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Senator Truman shaking hands from car with crowd at Lamar, Missouri

Senator Harry S. Truman (standing in car at left) shaking hands with well-wishers at a parade in Lamar, Missouri, which ended at the Traveler's Hotel. Senator Truman will give his official acceptance speech for the Vice Presidential nomination in his birthplace of Lamar. Senator Tom Connally of Texas who made the notification speech is standing next to Senator Truman.

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman Watches the Band Leader During Celebrations at Remiremont, France

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (left, behind band leader) watches the band leader during the celebrations to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of Remiremont, France from the Germans on September 29, 1944 and to dedicated the new John F. Kennedy Square in the town. All others in the surrounding crowd are unidentified.

Lieutenant General Truman Participates in Twentieth Anniversary Celebration of the Liberation of Remiremont

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (front row, fourth from right), Commander VII Corps, along with other unidentified dignitaries, participates in the ceremonies to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of Remiremont from the Germans on September 29, 1944, and to honor the men who died for her freedom.