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Contract for Morgantown Research Laboratory

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (seated) signs the contract to begin building the Bureau of Mines' Appalachian Experiment Station in Morgantown, West Virginia. Standing, left to right: Congressman Cleveland M. Bailey; Thomas Kennedy, Vice President, United Mine Workers; Senator Matthew M. Neely; Congressman Harley O. Staggers; Congressman Maurice G. Burnside; Senator Harley Kilgore; and Congresswoman Elizabeth Kee.

Chapman Signs Contract for Power Companies

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman signs a contract between Arkansas Power & Light, Reynolds Metals Company and the Southwestern Power Pool. Standing, left to right: Senator John McClellan; Senator William Fulbright; and Under Secretary of the Interior Richard Searles. Seated, left to right: R. R. Ritchie, Arkansas Power & Light; Walter Rice, Reynolds Metals Company; and Secretary Chapman.