President Harry S. Truman (left) and daughter Margaret Truman (right) voting in the 1946 election in Independence, Missouri. Others in the background are unidentified.
Senator Harry S. Truman (standing in the center) delivers a speech in Marshall, Missouri. On stage with him is John Hall, Democratic country chairman of Saline County and two unknown men.
Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan (left) and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan (second from left) vote in the basement of a house in the 1st Ward, 12th Precinct in St. Louis, Missouri. Women at right unidentified.
Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan (standing, left) and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan (standing, right) vote in the basement of a house in the 1st Ward, 12th Precinct in St. Louis, Missouri. Others on left are unidentified.