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Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Former president Harry S. Truman talks about how rewarding it is to talk to youngsters and have them ask questions about what's going on in the world. He says, "I feel always uplifted when they do that," and "you'll find out that these youngsters are vitally interested in the welfare of the country and they want to do the right thing by it." 

President Truman's Address at the National Conference on Citizenship, Selected Excerpts

President Harry S. Truman's Address at the National Conference on Citizenship. This tape contains selected excerpted highlights. The President spoke at 11:50 a.m. at the Statler Hotel in Washington. In his opening words he referred to Corma Mowrey, president of the National Education Association, and Attorney General J. Howard McGrath. The sixth annual meeting of the National Conference on Citizenship was sponsored by the Department of Justice and the National Education Association. From: Tom Evans.

I Am An American Day

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (right) welcomes Dr. Ralph Bunche to the stage during the "I Am An American" Day program in front of the U.S. Capitol. People in background are unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook