John Redding and Unidentified Man
Assistant Postmaster General John Redding (left) standing at a podium next to an unidentified man reading papers. In the background is a decorated Christmas tree.
Postmaster General Jesse M. Donaldson speaking from behind a podium around Christmas, with a decorated Christmas tree in the background.
Postmaster General Jesse M. Donaldson speaking at the podium and Assistant Postmaster General John Redding at the right standing in front of a Christmas tree.
Department of the Interior staff pose for a picture during the Christmas Party in the office of Assistant Secretary of the Interior C. Girard Davidson (second from right). Also pictured: Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior Vernon Northrop (left); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (fourth from right); and Mrs. Ann Chapman (third from right). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook