President Harry S. Truman carrying Christmas packages while at home in Independence, Missouri. He is on his way to visit his mother in Grandview, Missouri.
Harry S. Truman Library staff at Christmas party with former President Harry S. Truman. Standing are Helen Luckey and Margaret Sanders. Seated to Mr. Truman's left is Rose Conway.
Harry S. Truman Library staff at Christmas party with former President Harry S. Truman. Standing is Bessie Taylor. Seated to Mr. Truman's left is Rose Conway.
Harry S. Truman Library staff at Christmas party with former President Harry S. Truman. Standing is Bessie Taylor. Seated to Mr. Truman's left is Rose Conway, his private secretary.
President Harry S. Truman sitting at a desk in his Independence, Missouri home while reading an address in connection with the lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree on the White House grounds.
From left to right, First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, President Harry S. Truman and Margaret Truman at the Christmas tree lighting ceremonies at the White House. They are standing in the doorway of the White House.