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Pace Presents Red Feather Award

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (second from left) in Washington, D.C., presents a Red Feather "Oscar" award to Reconstruction Finance Administrator Harry A. McDonald (third from right), Chairman of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Community Chest drive, which exceeded its quota. At left is Herbert C. Blunck, the General Chairman of the 1953 Community Chest drive. All others are unidentified.

Pace Presents Red Feather Award

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (second from left) in Washington, D.C., presents a Red Feather "Oscar" award to Reconstruction Finance Administrator Harry A. McDonald (right), Chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Community Chest drive, which has exceeded its quota. At left is Herbert C. Blunck, General Chairman of the 1953 Community Chest drive.

United Jewish Appeal Dinner for Chapman

Dinner in honor of Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (second from left) given by the Oil and Coal Division of the United Jewish Appeal at the Hotel Pierre in New York City. At table, left to right: Monroe Goldwater, President of United Jewish Appeal; Secretary Chapman; Mr. Schwartz; Charles Alldredge; Joel Wolfsohn, Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior; Joseph Donnenfeld; and Henry C. Bernstein. All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook