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Group of People Visiting Suresnes Cemetery in Paris, France

A group of unidentified men and women are shown standing in the Suresnes cemetery at the time located just outside of Paris, France. Soldiers, including American men, who died in World War I are buried there. This photograph is a part of others associated with the Knights of Columbus activities taking place in Paris at this time. The date is believed to be fall, 1927. The man on the far right is wearing a Knights of Columbus arm band.

Lyle F. Watts, Chief U.S. Forest Service, in Idaho City, Idaho Graveyard

Lyle F. Watts, Chief U.S. Forest Service, in Idaho City, Idaho Graveyard. The tombstone reads, "In Memory of Henry P. Cooper, Born July 7, 1828, Died Oct. 27, 1882, Age 54 years." Notes say to notice the Ponderosa Pine tree growing up through the grave. Photos 2009-2970 through 2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts, Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice, Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945.