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Birthday cakes

Library Staff Members Greet Former President Harry S. Truman on His 79th Birthday

Harry S. Truman Library staff and Mr. Truman's personal staff greet former President Harry S. Truman (seventh from the right) on his 79th birthday at the Harry S. Truman Library. From left to right: Phil Lagerquist; Milton Perry (partly obscured); Frances Schlichenmaier; Harry Clark; five unidentified people; Mr. Truman; two unidentified women; Gene Bailey (partly obscured); unidentified man; Library Director Dr. Philip Brooks.

President Truman Cuts His 78th Birthday Cake

A six-tier birthday cake looks like a formidable object to former President Harry S. Truman as he does a bit of slicing at a party in observance of his 78th birthday. The lettering reads; "Seven decades and eight." Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Truman administration cabinet officers (not pictured) were among the guests attending the affair at the President Hotel in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. From: Houston Post.