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Bands (Music)

President Harry S. Truman Watches a Drum and Bugle Corps

President Harry S. Truman watches a Drum and Bugle Corps during the noon meal formation in front of Bancroft Hall during his visit to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. President Truman is located in the center of the picture on the steps, in front of a light pole. Also present is Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (third from right of President Truman), General Harry Vaughan (behind Forrestal, mostly obscured), Admiral William Leahy (fifth from President Truman), and Press Secretary Charles Ross (next to Admiral Leahy). All others are unidentified.

Marching Band for Parade

A military marching band prepares to march in a parade to welcome home over 1,500 soldiers who are returning to the United States from combat duty in Korea. The soldiers arrived at the Seattle, Washington Port of Embarkation and marched from Fort Lawton. All are unidentified.

Secretary Frank Pace Being Greeted at Tempelhof Air Force Base, Berlin

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (walking down the center, left, wearing civilian clothes) reviews an honor guard during his visit to Templehof Air Force Base in Berlin, Germany. Also present is Major General Lemuel Mathewson, Commandant of Berlin (walking next to Pace). A military band can be seen in the background on the left. All other soldiers are unidentified.