Bands (Music)
First Cavalry Division Band in parade in Tokyo
Heavy tanks pass the 7th Cavalry Regimental reviewing stand outside the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan as the 1st Calvary Division band plays a march. From: Scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters U. S. Army Forces, Pacific in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946.
A large audience gathers in the garden of the Malacanang Palace in Manila to listen to a band concert
A large audience gathers in the garden of the Malacanang Palace to listen to a band concert given in honor of the coming independence of the Philippines. From a scrapbook presented to Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan on the occasion of his visit to General Headquarters U. S. Army Forces, Pacific in Tokyo, Japan, July 1946.