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Portrait of Truman

A signed portrait photograph of President Harry S. Truman. The signature reads "To Maj. Frank Gatteri with appreciation for a good photograph, Harry S. Truman". This photo was used as the official campaign photo for the 1948 campaign. See also 58-486 or 59-1534 for non-autographed photo of same. The original photograph is 20x24 and stored in vault. From: Frank Gatteri, U.S. Army Photographer.

George C. Marshall being sworn in as Secretary of State

George Marshall taking the oath of office with, pictured from left, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Admiral William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral James H. Foskett (partly obscured by Leahy), General Harry H. Vaughan, John W. Snyder, Tom C. Clark, George C. Marshall (foreground), President Harry S. Truman (standing behind desk), General Walter Bedell Smith (background, next to Clark), Clinton P. Anderson, Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson, Julius A. Krug (next to Anderson), unidentified photographer, James F. Byrnes, and Lewis B. Schwellenbach. Autographed by all present. Photographers are not identified.