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Chapman and Romulo

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (left) and Ambassador of the Philippines Carlos P. Romulo (center) with an unidentified man. Photo if autographed by Romulo: "To a great American, Oscar Chapman, who has won my admiration and respect, Carlos P. Romulo, United Nations."

Udall and Chapman

Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (left) and Oscar Chapman (right) with an unidentified man. Autographed by Stewart Udall: "A picture of a 'Secretarial Summit' for a great Secretary, Oscar Chapman, Stewart Udall."

Chapman with Assistant Secretaries

Left to right: Assistant Secretary of the Interior William Warne; Assistant Secretary of the Interior C. Girard Davidson; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Assistant Secretary of the Interior Dale Doty; and Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior Vernon Northrop pose for a picture after Doty and Northrop's swearing-in ceremonies. Each man has autographed the photo.