Autographed Photo of General H. H. Arnold
Autographed photo of General H. H. "Hap" Arnold. "To Colonel C. H. Osthagen - with best wishes and kindest regards of H. H. Arnold."
Autographed photo of Eugene M. Zuckert. "To Clarence Osthagen - With appreciation for his friendship and hard-hitting assistance - Gene Zuckert, Assistant Secretary US Air Force."
Former President Harry S. Truman (second from right) rides aboard a boat with other. Others pictured are: Charles S. Murphy (fourth from right), Governor of Michigan G. Mennen Williams (far right), and Nancy Quirk Williams (second from left). All others are unidentified. It is believed that this photograph was taken while President Truman was visiting Mackinac Island in Michigan. The picture is autographed and reads: "To Charlie Murphy from Harry Truman." See also 2004-421.