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Matthew Monks sketches Truman home

Artist Matthew Monks sketching the exterior of the Truman house at 219 N. Delaware, from the lawn inside the fence. Mr. Monks is Director of Graphics at Vile-Gollier, a Kansas City printing firm. See also 85-27, for black and white photograph of the watercolor he produced. Mr. Monks also donated a black and white transparency of 85-27 which is filed in the oversize negative file. From: Matthew Monks

Photo of Martha Ellen Truman, Mary Jane Truman, and an unknown female artist, taken outdoors

Martha Ellen Truman, former President Harry S. Truman's mother, sits in a chair outdoors, possibly at her home in Grandview, where she is having her portrait painted this date. Sitting at left is her daughter, Mary Jane Truman, and sitting at right is the unknown female artist. From: Truman Home.

Chapman speaking at the presentation of the Acheson bust to the Truman Library

Former Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman speaking at the Harry S. Truman Library the day the bust of Dean Acheson was presented. Seated onstage behind Chapman: Executive Director of the Harry S. Truman Library, Inc., David D. Lloyd; Chief Justice Earl Warren; former Secretary of State Dean Acheson; sculptor Eleanor Platt.