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Armed forces officers

Pinning of Colonel Emblem Ceremony

Former President Harry S. Truman pins a Colonel's emblem on new Colonel John Riffle at the Truman Library. From left to right, Colonel John Nordyke, Rufus Burrus, Colonel John A. Riffle, former President Harry S. Truman, and Kansas City Mayor H. Roe Bartle. Col. Nordyke visited the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence to watch the former President pin the Colonel's emblem on new Colonel Riffle.

Pinning of Colonel Emblem Ceremony

Former President Harry S. Truman pins a Colonel's emblem on new Colonel John Riffle at the Truman Library. From left to right, Colonel John Nordyke, Rufus Burrus (partly obscured), Colonel John A. Riffle, former President Harry S. Truman, and Kansas City Mayor H. Roe Bartle. Col. Nordyke visited the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence to watch the former President pin the Colonel's emblem on new Colonel Riffle.

Pinning of Colonel Emblem Ceremony

Former President Harry S. Truman pins a Colonel's emblem on new Colonel John Riffle at the Truman Library. From left to right, Colonel John Nordyke, former President Truman, Rufus Burrus (partly obscured), Colonel John A. Riffle, and Kansas City Mayor H. Roe Bartle. Col. Nordyke visited the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence to watch the former President pin the Colonel's emblem on new Colonel Riffle.

Pinning of Colonel Emblem Ceremony

Former President Harry S. Truman pins a Colonel's emblem on new Colonel John Riffle at the Truman Library. From left to right, Colonel John Nordyke, Rufus Burrus (partly obscured), Colonel John A. Riffle, former President Harry S. Truman, and Kansas City Mayor H. Roe Bartle. Col. Nordyke visited the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence to watch the former President pin the Colonel's emblem on new Colonel Riffle.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses the United Nations

President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) addresses the closing session of the United Nations Conference at San Francisco, California. Seated on the right is Secretary of State Edward Stettinius (closest to podium) and Alger Hiss. Seated behind President Truman is Military Aide Major General Harry Vaughan (left) and Naval Aide Captain James Vardaman (right). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses the United Nations

President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) is applauded after his address to the closing session of the United Nations as San Francisco, California. Standing next to President Truman is Secretary of State Edward Stettinius and conference Secretary-General Alger Hiss. Standing behind President Truman is Major General Harry Vaughan (second from left) and Captain James Vardaman (third from left). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses the United Nations

President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) addresses the closing session of the United Nations Conference at San Francisco, California. Seated on the right is Secretary of State Edward Stettinius (closest to podium) and Alger Hiss. Seated behind President Truman is Military Aide Major General Harry Vaughan (left) and Naval Aide Captain James Vardaman (right). All others are unidentified.

Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference

The Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference poses for photographers. President Harry S. Truman is near the center at the back end of the table, wearing a bow tie. Clockwise around the table, starting at President Truman: Charles Bohlen; two unidentified men; British foreign minister Anthony Eden; Prime Minister Winston Churchill; unidentified British military officer; Clement Attlee; unidentified man; Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin; two unidentified men; Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of State James Byrnes.