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Armed forces officers

Frank N. Roberts with Others in Canton

Frank N. Roberts poses with a group of men at the Governor's residence in Honnam, Canton, China. From left to right: General Cohen, British Adviser and Bodyguard; Hung Chi, Governor's Secretary; David Loo, News; James, United Press; Mr. Linnell; Governor Wu Tich Ch'eng; Captain Frank N. Roberts; Blix, British News; Graham-Barrow, Reuters; Durdin, New York Times; L. K. Little, Customs.

The Combined Chiefs of Staff Meet at the Potsdam Conference

The Combined Chiefs of Staff meet on the fourth day of the Potsdam Conference. Clockwise, left to right: Major General Lauris Norstad; General Henry H. Arnold; General George C. Marshall; Brigadier General Andrew J. McFarland (mostly obscured); Admiral William D. Leahy; Admiral Ernest J. King; Vice-Admiral Charles M. Cooke, Jr.; General Brehon B. Somervell; Rear Admiral Howard A. Flanigan; Captain Charles J.

Joint Army-Navy Operation Game

Military officers are sitting at the CAMID III Joint Army-Navy Operation game at US Amphibious Base in Little Creek, Virginia. In the center, from left to right: unidentified woman; Admiral William Fechteler; Admiral James Holloway, Lieutenant General Maxwell Taylor, and unidentified. All others are unidentified.

43rd Anniversary of Dental Corps

Rear Admiral Parks attends a party celebrating the 43rd Anniversary of the Dental Corps at Norfolk, Virginia. Left to right: Rear Admiral and Mrs. A. A. Antrim, Zelda and Rear Admiral Lewis S. Parks, Captain and Mrs. Berry, Lieutenant General and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Captain and Mrs. Arthur Siegel, and Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Buxton, Jr. They are standing behind a cake on a table.

Staff and Faculty of The National War College

The 1951-1952 staff and faculty of the National War College in Washington, D.C. Front row, left to right: Edward H. Buehrig; Joseph D. Coppock; Edward Page, Jr.; Rear Admiral Emmet P. Forrestel; Lieutenant General Harold R. Bull; Major General John M. Weikert; John W. Masland; Easton C. Rothwell; Arthur H. Steiner. Second row, left to right: Colonel John F. Bird; Colonel Charles M. McCarthy; Colonel Richard H. Lee; Captain Lewis Parks; Vinton Chapin; Colonel Benjamin S. Kelsey; Colonel Arthur J. Pierce; Colonel Harry O. Paxson; Captain Glenn R. Hartwig.