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Armed forces officers

Military Leaders at the Second Quebec Conference

British and American military leaders meet at the second Quebec Conference of World War II, codename "OCTAGON" by the military. Members of the Joint Planning Staff at Octagon, around the table from left: Capt. Paul D. Stroop, Rear Adm. Donald B. Duncan, Capt. James Fife, Lt. D. M. Gribbon, Brig. Gen. William W. Bessell, Jr., Capt. E. W. Burrough, Brig. Gen. Frank F. Everest, Brig. Gen. Joe L. Loutxenheiser, Brig. Gen. Richard G. Lindsay, Brig. Gen. Frank N. Roberts, and Cot. George A. Lincoln. The conference met from 12-16 September 1944.

Attendees of the Second Quebec Conference Pose for a Photograph

Attendees of the second Quebec Conference of World War II (codenamed "OCTAGON") pose for an outdoor photograph. Seated from left to right: General George C. Marshall, Admiral William D. Leahy, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, General Sir Alan Brooke, Sir John Dill. L to R standing: two unidentified men, Admiral Ernest King, Sir Charles Portal, General Henry Arnold, and Admiral Andrew Cunningham. The Chateau Frontenac is visible in the distance. The conference was held 12-16 September 1944.