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Armed forces officers

United States Delegation at Prestwich Airfield

Members of a United States delegation pose for a photograph outside their airplane at Prestwich Airfield, England, ready to depart for Iceland. Kneeling, left to right: two unidentified military officers; J. Weldon Jones, Assistant Director, United States Bureau of the Budget. Standing, left to right: two unidentified men; Representative Fred Crawford; Senator Allen Ellender; unidentified officer; Representative Will Robinson; unidentified officer; Senator Hugh Butler; four unidentified men. This photo is from a trip made by several Congressmen and government officials to the Far East.

United States Delegation at "The Eagle's Nest," Berchtesgaden, Germany

A group of United States officials and military officers pose for a photo at "The Eagle's Nest," Berchtesgaden, Germany. From right to left: Senator Allen Ellender; Representative Fred Crawford; J. Weldon Jones, Bureau of the Budget; two unidentified men; Representative Will Robinson; all others are unidentified. This photo is from a trip made by several Congressmen and government officials to the Far East.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Medal of Honor to Recipient

This is a general view of the mass Congressional Medal of Honor presentation ceremony held in the White House Garden in which fifteen servicemen were awarded the Honor. President Harry S. Truman is shown here, center, presenting the award to Corporal Thomas E. Atkins, Campobello, South Carolina. Includes partial view of the south side of the White House and the West Executive Office Building. General George C. Marshall is seated on the far right, second from the left. Major General Harry Vaughan is standing next to the United States glad near the table holding the medals.

President Harry S. Truman With Medal of Honor Recipients and Their Families

President Harry S. Truman stands outside the White House with Congressional Medal of Honor recipients (front row) their family members, and military officials. From left to right, front row: Major Everett P. Pope, United States Marine Corps, North Quincy and Wollaston, Massachusetts; Private First Class Gino J. Merli, United States Army, Peckville, Pennsylvania; Laurett Graham (niece of Lieutenant Rouh); Private First Class Luther Skaggs, Jr., United States Marine Corps, Henderson and Brownsville, Kentucky; and First Lieutenant Carlton Rouh, United States Marine Corps, Lindenwold, New Jersey.

United States Officials in Vienna, Austria

United States officials visiting Vienna, Austria, visit with other officials stationed in Vienna. From left to right: United States Envoy John Erhardt; Colonel Stanley Grogan; J. Weldon Jones, Assistant Director, United States Bureau of the Budget; General Mark Clark; and Representative Fred Crawford. This photo is from a trip made by several Congressmen and government officials to the Far East.

General Mark Clark Briefing the Touring Group

General Mark Clark (standing, left) attends a briefing for the delegation from the United States in Vienna, Austria. Seated from left to right: Senator Allen J. Ellender; Senator Hugh Butler; J. Weldon Jones, Assistant Director, United States Bureau of the Budget; and Representative Fred Crawford. Standing second from the left is United States Envoy to Austria John Erhardt. This photo is from a trip made by several Congressmen and government officials to the Far East.

President Harry S. Truman Takes Honors

President Harry S. Truman takes honors as he returned ashore after watching the Cornell-Navy crew races. Truman stands at attention with his hat over his heart as Navy officers salute. Also present are Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan (second row, second from left), General Robert Landry (second row, fourth from left, partly obscured by President Truman), and Admiral Robert Dennison (second row, fifth from left). All others are unidentified.

J. Weldon Jones Hosts Birthday Party for Mrs. T.V. Soong

J. Weldon Jones (standing, fifth from left) hosts a birthday party for Mrs. T. V. Soong (standing, seventh from left). First row, left to right: Albino SyCip; Unidentified; Peters. Second Row: Mrs. Frieder, two unidentified ladies, Mrs. MacArthur, and Mrs. SyCip. Third row: Mrs. Peters; unidentified man; unidentified woman; Meyers; J. Weldon Jones; Alex Frieder; Mrs. T. V. Soong; General Douglas MacArthur; unidentified woman; [illegible]; E.D. Hester; and an unidentified man.