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Armed forces officers

President Truman inspecting troops of the 84th Infantry Division

President Harry S. Truman on a country road near Frankfurt, Germany inspecting units of the 84th Infantry Division. President Truman is at the left, standing by a microphone. Secretary of State James Byrnes is to the left of President Truman. Major General Harry Vaughan (wearing sunglasses) is standing behind Truman. The President is on a break from the Potsdam Conference. From the Album, Number 2: "President Truman's Trip to Potsdam."

President Truman at a Baseball Game, Griffith Stadium

President Harry S. Truman attending a Washington Senators baseball game at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D. C. Standing in the front row behind the Presidential seal, from left to right: Bess Truman; Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley; President Truman, Fred Vinson. The first three men in the second row are (left to right) Admiral Robert Dennison, General Harry Vaughan, and Special Assistant Averell Harriman. All others are unidentified.

Dwight D. Eisenhower touring a liberated concentration camp

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, watches while former occupants of a German concentration camp at Gotha demonstrate how they were tortured by the Nazis operating the camp. General Eisenhower visited the camp during a tour of the Third Army Front. General Omar N. Bradley, 12th Army Group CG, and Lt. General George S. Patton, 3rd Army CG, are at Eisenhower's right. From: album entitled "Nazi War Atrocities."

United States Army commanders viewing charred bodies of prisoners

Charred bodies of prisoners burned in the concentration camp at Gotha, Germany, are viewed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, and a party of high ranking U.S. Army officers. In the group are: General Omar N. Bradley, C.G., 12th Army Group; Lt. General George S. Patton, C.G., 3rd U.S. Army; and Maj. General Manton Eddy, C.G., 12th Corps. From: album entitled "Nazi War Atrocities."

General Wallace Graham in Crossing the Equator Ceremony on the USS Missouri

Original caption: "General Wallace Graham gets "the works." The White House physician, General Wallace Graham, participates in a crossing the equator ceremony while on board the USS Missouri, returning with President Harry S. Truman to the United States from a trip to Brazil. Others are unidentified. From the album "President Truman's Trip to Rio de Janeiro."

General Wallace Graham Participates in a Crossing the Equator Ceremony on the USS Missouri

Original caption: "White House physician and 'Archidoligist' General Wallace Graham answers his summons." General Wallace Graham is participating in the crossing the equator ceremony on the USS Missouri while returning to the United States from a trip to Brazil with President Harry S. Truman. Others are unidentified. From the album "President Truman's Trip to Rio de Janeiro."

General Harry Vaughan Participates in Crossing the Equator Ceremony, USS Missouri

Original caption: "Landlubber Vaughan is called "Front and center." Major General Harry Vaughan participates in the crossing the equator ceremony on the USS Missouri upon President Harry S. Truman's return trip to the United States from Brazil. Others are unidentified. From the album "President Truman's Trip to Rio de Janeiro."