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Armed forces officers

Secretary Frank Pace During Visit to New Orleans

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace visits the Port of Embarkation in New Orleans, Louisiana. From left to right: Secretary Pace; Colonel Robert V. Maraist, Chief, Louisiana Military District; Colonel W. W. Moore, Commanding Officer, New Orleans Port of Embarkation; and Colonel Thomas R. W. Skinner, Deputy Port Commander and Executive Officer. Others in the background are unidentified.

Secretary Frank Pace with Army and Air Force Officers, Camp Drum, New York

Top United States Army officials pause to eat lunch while visiting the joint United States Army-United States Air Force maneuver, EXCERCISE SNOWFALL at Camp Drum, New York. Clockwise around the table are: Secretary Pace, General J. Lawton Collins, Major General Robert W. Douglass, Brigadier General Onslow Rolfe, General Mark Clark, Colonel Broadus McAfee, Major General Leland S. Hobbs, and Lieutenant General Willis D. Crittenberger.