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Armed forces officers

Armed Forces Day Proclamation

President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) presents Secretary of Defense George Marshall (seated, right) with one of the pens he used in signing the proclamation declaring May 19 as Armed Forces Day. Standing, from left to right: Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, General Hoyt Vandenberg, Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Air Force Thomas Finletter, and General Omar Bradley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Welcome Crowd From Ship

Soldiers disembark from the United States Naval Ship General LeRoy Eltinge at the Seattle, Washington Port of Embarkation. Over 1,500 soldiers returned to the United States on the ship from combat duty in Korea. A massive crowd of people and United States Army and Navy officers was on hand to greet them upon their arrival. All are unidentified.