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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Holds a Press Conference at Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman (far left) holds a press conference in the garden of the Little White House, Key West, Florida, during his post-election vacation. Standing behind President Truman are, from left to right: General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, Stuart Symington, and Clark Clifford. Seated off to the right is President Truman's daughter, Margaret. All others are unidentified. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia at Airport

President Harry S. Truman's airplane, The Sacred Cow, sits outside the window of the Air Transport Command Terminal at the Washington National Airport. Standing in front of the window are: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Saud al-Saud of Saudi Arabia (right), General Harry Vaughan (next to Prince), Admiral James Foskett (right of General), and Henry Myers (left). All others are unidentified.

Section Heads of the Administrative Offices of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace

Some of the Section Heads of the Administrative Offices of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace in Paris. Typewritten caption affixed to the back reads, "This is a very poor picture of some of the Heads of Sections of the Administrative Offices. Reading from Left to Right: Mr. Wattawa, Lieutenant Sims, Colonel Peyton, Captain Newton, Major Robert C. Patterson, Major duBose, Captain Peacock, Lieutenant Cobbledick, Captain Kleeber, and Captain Yates." The telephone directory hand from the desk, and a map of Europe is posted on the wall on the right.

American Commission to Negotiate Peace

Group photo of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. They are in Paris. Back of photo is captioned, "American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Paris, France, January 1919. Army Officers Attached to the Executive Offices. Reading left to right: First row - Captains Peacock, Garvey, Whitehouse, Olney, Newton and [Robert C.] Patterson. Second row - Lieutenants Markham, Hevenar, Hoyt, Cobbledick, Kilpatrick and Captain Yates. Third row - Lieutenants Sims, Spencer, Martin, Walker and Lawton. Fourth row - Lieutenants Gini, Daly, R. L.

Group photo of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace

Group photo of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Caption on back of the photo reads, "American Commission to Negotiate Peace Paris, France, January 1919 Army Officers Attached to the Executive Offices. Reading left to right: First row - Captains Peacock, Garvey, Whitehouse, Olney, Newton and [Robert C.] Patterson. Second Row - Lieutenants Markham, Hevenar, Hoyt, Cobbledick, Kilpatrick and Captain Yates. Third row - Lieutenants Sims, Spencer, Martin, Walker and Lawton. Fourth row - Lieutenants Gini, Daly, R.L.