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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Addresses Crowd

President Harry S. Truman (at the podium) addresses a crowd at the San Juan, Puerto Rico Naval Air Station. Standing behind Truman, left to right, are: Colonel Robert B. Landry, Secretary of the Interior Julius A. Krug, Governor of Puerto Rico Jesus A. Pinero, President of the Puerto Rico Senate Luis Munoz Marin, Vice Admiral Daniel E. Barbey, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, and Captain Robert L. Dennison. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Watches the Navy-Pennsylvania State University Football Game

President Harry S. Truman stands at attention while attending the football game between the United States Naval Academy and Pennsylvania State University held at Annapolis, Maryland. Standing in the front row from left to right are: Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal; Gwyneth (Mrs. Aubrey) Fitch; President Truman; Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, Superintendent of the Naval Academy; Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to the President. Visible on the left just behind President Truman is Brigadier General Wallace Graham.

President Harry S. Truman Reviews a Brigade with Naval Officers

President Harry S. Truman reviews a Brigade of Midshipmen with Naval officers during his visit to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Front row, walking towards the camera (left to right): unidentified, Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, Superintendent of the Naval Academy; and President Truman. Second row (left to right): Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Presidential Military Aide; Captain James H. Foskett, Presidential Military Aid; and Captain Jesse R. Wallace, Chief of Staff, Severn River Naval Command (mostly obscured). All others are unidentified.

General Wallace Graham Receives Award

White House Physician General Wallace Graham (front, left) receives the Belgian Croix de Guerre and the Order of Leopold from the Ambassador of Belgium, Baron Robert Silvercruys (front, right), for his service as Chief of Surgical Service in the 24th Field Hospital after D-Day. This surprise ceremony took place in the Oval Office at the White House with President Harry S. Truman present (back, right). The other man is unidentified.