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Armed forces officers

Guests Arrive at Boca Chica Airport

From left to right, Assistant Press Secretary Eben Ayers, General Harry Vaughan, Chief Justice Fred Vinson, and Congressman George Smathers (in background, near steps) arrive in Boca Chica, Florida to join the rest of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party in Key West. Standing on the right is General Robert Landry. All others are unidentified.

The Presidential Party in Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman is seated with his vacation party that went to the Little White House in Key West, Florida. Front row, left to right: Philleo Nash and Russell Andrews. Middle row, left to right: Matthew Connelly, John Steelman, President Harry S. Truman, William Hassett, Charles Ross. Back row, left to right: William Hopkins, David Stowe, General Wallace Graham, General Harry Vaughan, Clark Clifford, Admiral Robert Dennison, General Robert Landry, and George Elsey.