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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Speaks to Audience at Truman Library Ground-Breaking

Former President Harry S. Truman (right) speaks to an audience at the ground-breaking ceremony for the Truman Library. With Mr. Truman are General Robert Landry, Former Air Force Aide to the President (left) and former Secretary of the Air Force, Stuart Symington (center). Original photograph is autographed by Mr. Truman: " Bob this is a pair I'd always draw to and I win whether I lost or not. You and Stu would beat four aces or a royal flush in my book of Hoyle! Harry S. Truman May 8th, 1955." Others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Receives President's Airport Commission Report

General James H. Doolittle presents the report of the President's Airport Commission to President Harry S. Truman. Standing, left to right: Mr. Charles F. Horne, General Robert Landry, and Paul Johnston, Seated: Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, President Harry S. Truman, and General James Doolittle. This photograph appeared in the June 1952 issue of LIFE Magazine.