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Armed forces officers

Major General Robert Landry Attends Reception at Phoenix Air Reserve Center

Major General Robert Landry attends reception at Phoenix Air Reserve Center in Phoenix, Arizona. From left: Lieutenant Colonel Elmer Keith; Mr. Ralph Peterson, President of Peterson Brooke Steiner and Wist of Phoenix and Tucson; Mr. Gale Smith, Arizona Customer Relations Manager of Mountain States Telephone Company; and Major General Robert Landry.

President Harry S. Truman Receives Stamps

President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) receives a sheet of stamps honoring General Omar Bradley (seated, right) being appointed Army Chief of Staff. Standing from left to right are: General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Robert Landry, Captain Robert Dennison, and Commander Harold Gutekunst. These stamps will raise money for a trophy room honoring General Bradley in the public library in Moberly, Missouri, General Bradley's hometown.