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Truman Posing At Site Of Future Truman Library During Filming Of "Man From Independence"

Distance-view of Harry S. Truman posing at Slover Park in Independence, Missouri, the site of the future Harry S. Truman Library. He is holding architectural drawings of the building with architect Alonzo Gentry, Mayor Robert Weatherford, and Tom Evans (obscured). Taken during filming of "Man From Independence."

Former President Harry S. Truman, Rex Whitton, Harris Rodgers, and Alonzo Gentry at Slover Park, Independence, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman sits at a table in an enclosed picnic area at Slover Park, Independence, Missouri, the site of the proposed Truman Library. With him are, left to right: Rex M. Whitton, Chief Engineer, State Highway Commission; Mr. Truman; Harris Rodgers, Missouri Highway Commissioner; and Alonzo Gentry, architect for the Truman Library. Their names and occupations are written on the photo in Mr. Truman's handwriting. (Original in oversize drawer.) From: Found in a box of miscellaneous photographs in the audiovisual area.