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Truman with international affairs advisors

At a conference with his chief advisors on international affairs, President Harry S. Truman today decided that the European Recovery Program must be continued vigorously on a large scale to bolster Western European democracies against Communism. Left to right are: President Truman, Secretary of State George C. Marshall, Paul Hoffman, Economic Cooperation Administrator, and W. Averell Harriman, Roving Ambassador. Same as photo 65-1388.

President Harry S. Truman in Conference on the USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman meets with a delegation of officials from Great Britain on board the presidential yacht, the USS Williamsburg. Standing, from left to right: Ambassador Walter S. Gifford, General Omar Nelson Bradley, Sir Oliver Franks, Lord F. A. Cherwell, Lord Hastings Ismay, and W. Averell Harriman. Seated, from left to right: Sir Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder, and Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett.

Stalin, President Truman, and others during the Potsdam Conference

Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Stalin (foreground, left) and President Harry S. Truman (foreground, right) during the Potsdam conference. Behind them are: V. N. Pavlov, Russian interpreter; Captain James K. Vardaman (partly obscured by Pavlov); Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador to the United States; and Charles Ross, Presidential Press Secretary (behind Gromyko).

President Truman and advisers after returning from Wake Island Conference

President Harry S. Truman after his return from the Wake Island Conference with General Douglas MacArthur. From left to right: Special Assistant W. Averill Harriman, Defense Secretary George C. Marshall, President Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Ambassador Philip Jessup, Treasury Secretary John Snyder, Army Secretary Frank Pace and General Omar Bradley.

Portrait of George C. McGhee

George C. McGhee, Director, U.S. Commercial Co., 1946; Special Assistant to Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of State, 1946-47; Coordinator for Aid to Greece and Turkey, 1947; Special Assistant to Under Secretary of State, 1947-49; Special Assistant to Secretary of State, March-June 1949; Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern South Asian-African Affairs, 1949-51; and U.S. Ambassador and Chief of American Mission for Aid to Turkey, 1951-53. Also served as Senior Adviser, North Atlantic Treaty Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1951.

Portrait of W. Walton Butterworth

Portrait of W. Walton Butterworth which was used in his oral History interview. U.S. Department of State, 1928-68. Foreign Service officer and career Ambassador. Among other posts and appointments as Ambassador served as counselor of Embassy, Madrid, Spain, 1944-46; counselor of Embassy with rank of Minister, Nanking, China, 1946-47; director for Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, 1947-49; Assistant Secretary of State, 1949-50; and U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, 1950-53.

Portrait of Edwin W. Martin

Edwin W. Martin, vice consul, Hamilton, Bermuda, 1941-44, Leopoldville, Belgian Congo, 1944, Peiping, China, 1946-48, Hankow, China, 1948-49; consul, Taipei, Formosa, 1949-50; consul, also second Secretary of Embassy, Rangoon, Burma, 1950-51; with Department of State, Washington, 1952-, deputy director, Office Chinese Affairs, 1953; director, Office Chinese Affairs, 1958-61; and Ambassador to Burma, 1971-73.