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Mutual Security Director W. Averell Harriman Shakes Hands with President Truman

Returning from Missouri, President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with W. Averell Harriman, Mutual Security Director. Also on hand are: (second from left) Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer and Secretary of Interior Oscar Chapman (far right). The President said he was confident the National Democratic ticket would win in November. Same as 68-1566 but better print. From: Houston Post.

President Truman Waits in a Thunderstorm for Secretary of State Acheson

Umbrella protocol is an impromptu affair tonight as President Harry S. Truman (center) waits in a thunderstorm at the Washington National airport for Secretary of State Dean Acheson to arrive from Honolulu, Hawaii. David K. Bruce, Under Secretary of State, has a ruffled parasol and Brig. Gen. Robert Landry, the President's Air Force Aide, a man sized model. Donor: Houston Press.

Government Employee Robert C. Goodwin In Tennessee

U.S. Labor Department official Robert C. Goodwin is standing on the far left. He is with two other men who are not identified. Behind them is a partial view of an airplane. The date and event associated with the view are not given. The man on the far right has a name tag which indicates the event is in Tennessee and he is listed as Commissioner, TDES (Tennessee Department of Economic Security?).