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Airplanes, Military

Paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg

Paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division climb into their Fairchild Flying Boxcar (Fairchild C-82) during maneuvers at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Each man carries about 90 pounds of equipment, including weapons and two parachutes. The C-82 is one of the planes viewed by President Truman during his visit to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in October of 1949 to review airborne maneuvers as well as to review 20,000 troops and inspect new artillery weapons.

Photograph of the Piper L-4 Grasshopper

A propeller plane parked on the tarmac, the Piper L-4 "Grasshopper." This airplane, used by the Army Ground Forces for artillery spotting, liaison work, and transporting of personnel, is manufactured by the Piper Aircraft Corporation, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Its short landing and take-off characteristics permit its use on small, unprepared fields or roads. This is an example of planes viewed by President Truman during his visit to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in October 4, 1949, to review airborne maneuvers as well as to review 20,000 troops and inspect new artillery weapons. 

Parachutes From C-82 Airplanes

Parachutes dot the sky after parachutists step into space from Fairchild C-82 airplanes. This maneuver took place at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in October of 1949, to review airborne maneuvers as well as to review 20,000 troops and inspect new artillery weapons. The C-82 was built by Fairchild Aircraft, Hagerstown, Maryland.

Ambassador Pauley and Mrs. Pauley at Airport

Ambassador Edwin Pauley and Mrs. Barbara Pauley. Picture taken at Los Angeles upon the Ambassador's return from the Orient, Dec. 17, 1945. Also shown (center) is Major William Westerfield, Chief Pilot for C-54, special mission plane. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Edwin W. Pauley and Col. O'Keefe at Washington National Airport; U.S. Reparations Mission

Edwin W. Pauley (left) greeted by Colonel O'Keefe (right) at Washington National Airport upon Ambassador Pauley's return to the U.S. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).