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Airplanes, Military

Pace Visits Fort Carson

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, right, shakes hands with an officer at Fort Carson, Colorado, while enroute to the Far East. In the background is the United States Air Force plane that flew Pace to Camp Carson. All other armed forces officers are unidentified.

Pace Visits San Jose, California

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace speaks to a woman reporter for the San Jose News during his visit to the San Jose Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation Ordnance Plant. From left to right: unidentified woman; Colonel Hans Jepson (partly obscured); Secretary Pace (back to camera); Brigadier General William Sexton; Lieutenant General Joseph Swing; James M. Hait, Vice President and Manager, San Jose Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation Ordnance Plant; Mr. Kane, Special Assistant, Office of the Secretary of the Army; and Dean Witter, District Chief, San Francisco Ordnance District.