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Airplanes, Military

Possibly the Crew of the Anacostia

Unidentified crew of the Anacostia in Key West, Florida. That same day Lieut. W.Q. Damon USN (courier) arrived and delivered four sacks of official mail to Lt. Comdr. Rigdon at 5:40 PM. The same U.S. Mail plane delivered Special Counsel (Charles Murphy) to President Truman to Key West. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Photo of the Nose of an Aircraft

Photo of an aircraft taken during President Truman's ninth Key West trip. On the day this photo was taken, official mail was returned to Washington, D.C. Visible on the nose of the plane are the digits 289. A person waves from the cockpit. From: Negatives sent from the National Archives to the Truman Library. Original is 4x5 black and white negative.

President Harry S. Truman and Navy Day Celebrations

President Harry S. Truman (farthest right) watches an aerial display from the deck of the destroyer Renshaw during Navy Day celebrations in New York City, New York. Behind the President are President Truman's Naval Aide, Commodore James K. Vardaman (left), and Admiral Jonas H. Ingram (center), Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Fleet. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.

Riverside Park, Navy Day

Riverside Park is massed with spectators for the fleet review during Navy Day in New York City, as a formation of planes cuts the skies above the fighting ships, extending far north of the George Washington Bridge. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.