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Former President Truman arrives in Little Rock, Arkansas, for 35th Division reunion

Former President Harry S. Truman stands by a Delta airplane after arriving in Little Rock, Arkansas, for a 35th Division reunion. With him are two members of Battery "D" and two representatives of Delta Airlines. Left to right are: Mr. V.A. Mensies (Delta Air Lines), Francis Yeager (Battery "D"), President Truman, Delta hostess, and Jack Bullard (Battery "D"). From: V.A. Mensies, Delta-C&S Air Lines, Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri

Truman disembarks from plane at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for Hoover Library Dedication

Former President Harry S. Truman (center, in dark suit and glasses) is welcomed by a group of dignitaries after disembarking from a plane at the Cedar Rapids, Iowa airport to attend the Hoover Library dedication. At the former President's left is Colonel Robert Adams. Although each individual cannot be matched to a name, others in the photo are William B. Anderson, President of the Hoover Foundation; Mayor Robert Johnson; Reginald Figge; Senator Jack Miller and Tom Gavin. (Same as 63-998-3 except larger)

Former President Truman, Jack Smith, and Eddie Jacobson

Former President Harry S. Truman (right) shakes hands with John A. (Jack) Smith (center), Special Assistant Governmental Affairs, Continental Airlines, while standing by a Continental Airlines plane. Mr. Smith and Eddie Jacobson (left) accompanied the former President to Denver, Colorado, for a fund-raising speech for the Harry S. Truman Library. From: John A. (Jack) Smith.