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Air forces

Folks Around the Base, Part 1 - Ashiya, Japan - Korean War Home Movies

Home movies shot by Lieutenant Daniel Karp during his service in the Air Force in the Korean War. Karp was mainly stationed in Japan. This film shows activities primarily around Ashiya, Japan. It includes the following people: Captain Sleppy (Karp's roommate); Pappy Anglan (played a role in JAG); Susan Merritt (wife of Karp's Chief Master Sergeant, Steve Merritt, who also appears later); Major Bowers and Mrs. Bower; Captain Pickett; Major Chandler; Major McDaniels; Tech Sergeant Everett Parrish (who ran a store on base); Joe Capito; and Corporal Lehman.

President Truman at the Dedication of Arnold Engineering Development Center

President Harry S. Truman and Eleanor Pool Arnold share smiles next to a plaque during the dedication of Arnold Engineering Development Center near Tullahoma, TN. The AEDC was named for General Henry "Hap" Arnold, the first General of the Air Force, and is a facility with wind tunnels dedicated to testing air and space technology. This photo is from an album of images detailing the accomplishments of the first 20 years of the AEDC, sent to former president Truman by General Jessup D. Lowe.

President Truman's Remarks in New York City at the Dedication of Idlewild International Airport

President Harry S. Truman's remarks in New York City at the Dedication of Idlewild International Airport. The President spoke at 2:30 p.m. from a stand in the center of the airfield. In his opening words he referred to Grover A. Whalen, Chairman of the Mayor's Committee for Greater New York City's Golden Anniversary, Thomas E. Dewey, Governor of New York, William O'Dwyer, Mayor of New York City, and Howard S. Cullman, Chairman of the Port of New York Authority. The address was carried on a nationwide radio broadcast.