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Senator Truman and railroad officials

Senator Harry S. Truman and railroad officials leaving the White House after conferring with President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the rail situation. Front row, left to right: Joseph B. Eastman of the Interstate Commerce Commission; Charles D. Mahaffie of the Interstate Commerce Commission; Carl Gray, Vice-chairman of the Missouri Pacific Railway; Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; George Harrison, head of the Railway Labor Executives Association; William O. Douglas, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Harry, Bess, and Margaret Truman

Senator Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman, shown in their Independence home, reading over scores of congratulatory telegrams received when late election returns indicated his victory over Democratic rivals, Governor Lloyd Stark and Maurice Williams, in the Missouri Primary Senatorial race. From the New York Herald Tribune.

President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands with African American Air Force Sergeant

United States Air Force Staff Sergeant Edward Williams (right) of St. Louis, Missouri, exchanges a handshake with his Commander-in-Chief, President Harry S. Truman (left), at a casual meeting during the President's morning walk. Williams had been a soldier in the Air Force nine years at the time of this photograph. Others in the background are unidentified.