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Truman and other Senators deer hunting

Numerous United States senators, dignitaries and a deer killed by Vice-President Garner at the estate of Col. William Kaul, near St. Mary's, Pennsylvania. L-R: Senator Harry S. Truman, Senator Clyde Herring, Senator Carl Hatch, Senator George Radcliffe, Polish Ambassador Count Jerzy Potocki, Senator James Guffey, Col. William Kaul, Vice-President John Nance Garner, Senator Sherman Minton, and Senator James C. Murray.

Swearing-in of James Webb

James E. Webb of Oxford, N.C. is sworn in as Director of the Budget in ceremonies at the State Department on July 31, 1946. L to R: Mrs. James E. Webb; Captain Fred V. Webb, the Budget Director's brother; Webb; and Edgar R. Baker, Budget Bureau Staff Member, who administered the oath. "Proof" is handwritten across photo.