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President Harry S. Truman Receives Stamps

President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) receives a sheet of stamps honoring General Omar Bradley (seated, right) being appointed Army Chief of Staff. Standing from left to right are: General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Robert Landry, Captain Robert Dennison, and Commander Harold Gutekunst. These stamps will raise money for a trophy room honoring General Bradley in the public library in Moberly, Missouri, General Bradley's hometown.

President Harry S. Truman Signs Foreign Aid Bill

President Harry S. Truman (seated) signs the Foreign Assistance Act which would send $6,098,000,000 around the world to combat Communism. This bill created the European Recovery Program to implement the Marshall Plan. Standing behind President Truman from left to right are: Senator Arthur Vanderburg, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Representative Charles Eaton, Senator Tom Connally, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, (mostly obscured), Speaker of the House Joseph Martin, Representative Sol Bloom, and Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson (behind Bloom, mostly obscured).

Democratic National Chairman J. Howard McGrath Makes Announcement

Democratic National Chairman J. Howard McGrath (center) announces to White House reporters that President Harry S. Truman authorized Mr. McGrath to say that he will definitely be a candidate for re-election on the Democratic ticket. Standing with Mr. McGrath on the right is the Executive Director of the Democratic Committee, Gael Sullivan. All others are unidentified.