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Thomas H. Van Meter

Lyle F. Watts, Chief U.S. Forest Service, in Idaho City, Idaho Graveyard

Lyle F. Watts, Chief U.S. Forest Service, in Idaho City, Idaho Graveyard. The tombstone reads, "In Memory of Henry P. Cooper, Born July 7, 1828, Died Oct. 27, 1882, Age 54 years." Notes say to notice the Ponderosa Pine tree growing up through the grave. Photos 2009-2970 through 2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts, Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice, Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945.

Lyle Watts, Chief U.S. Forest Service, Holds a Wooden Headstone at the Cemetery in Idaho City, Idaho

Lyle Watts, Chief U.S. Forest Service, holds a Wooden Headstone at the Cemetery in Idaho City, Idaho. Notice the Ponderosa Pines growing within the burial plot. Photos #2009-2970 through #2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts, Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice, Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945. Presented by T.H Van Meter, Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest."

Portrait of Lyle Watts, Chief of U.S. Forest Service

Portrait of Lyle Watts, Chief or U.S. Forest Service, looking up with the sun behind him, not wearing the glasses he normally wore. Photos 2009-2970 through 2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945. Presented by T.H Van Meter, Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest."

Lyle F. Watts, Chief of U.S. Forest Service, at Bald Mountain Lookout, Seated at Desk

Lyle F. Watts, Chief of U.S. Forest Service, at Bald Mountain Lookout, Boise National Forest. Photos 2009-2970 through 2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts, Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice, Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945. Presented by T.H Van Meter, Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest.

Portrait of Lyle F. Watts, Chief of U.S. Forest Service

Portrait of Lyle F. Watts, Chief of U.S. Forest Service. Photos 2009-2970 through 2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts, Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945. Presented by T.H Van Meter, Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest."

Boise Basin from Bald Mountain Lookout at Boise National Forest

Boise Basin from Bald Mountain Lookout at Boise National Forest. Photos 2009-2970 through 2009-2987 are from a typewritten notebook with a title page which reads, "United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Inspection Trip. Lyle F. Watts - Chief, Forest Service. W.B. Rice - Regional Forester. Boise National Forest. August 3 to 4, 1945. Presented by T. H. Van Meter, Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest."