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President Truman Addresses Conference on Fire Prevention

President Harry S. Truman speaks to the Conference on Fire Prevention, calling on state and local government officials to join the federal government in mapping a program to cut the nation's staggering fire loss. Seated in the front row behind the president are (left) Washington, DC District Commissioner J. Russell Young and (right) Major General Philip B. Fleming, conference chairman.

Senator Barkley, President Truman, and Margaret Truman Appear on Campaign Train

President Harry S. Truman waves as he shakes the hand of Vice Presidential nominee Alben Barkley from the rear platform of the presidential campaign train. Margaret Truman also appears on the the platform. The president promised Senator Barkley that he would "fight like hell" to get elected, as they embark from Union Station in Washington, DC, on a 19-state election tour. [From: Chicago Sun-Times] 

President Truman Receives Maine Salmon

Three Republican Congressmen from Maine present President Harry S. Truman with a salmon in the Oval Office. The ten-pound salmon was the first taken on fly from the Penobscot River. From left to right: Representative Robert Hale of Portland; President Harry S. Truman; Representative Frank Fellows of Bangor; and Representative Charles D. Nelson of Augusta. [Donated by the Chicago Sun-Times]

President Truman Buys CARE Package to Feed Europe's Hungry People

In a Rose Garden ceremony at the White House, President Harry S. Truman hands a check for $1500 to Lt. General William N. Haskell to pay for 100 CARE packages of food to be sent to 10 heads of state in Europe for distribution among the hungry. Haskell is Executive Director of Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, Inc. (CARE) a non-profit organization whose purpose is to supplement the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and act as a means for the whole country to provide a hungry person in Europe with food enough for three or four weeks.