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George Skadding

Photo showing John L. Lewis Signing a New Work Contract, with Truman and Krug

An 11 x 12 photo showing President Truman (left) looking on, as United Mine Workers Chief John L. Lewis puts his signature to a new work contract under which he will order his men back to their jobs. Center is Secretary of Interior Julius Krug, administrator of the government seized soft coal mines, who announced the contract agreement.

President and Mrs. Truman admire gift from French Ambassador Bonnet

President Harry S. Truman (second from left) and First Lady Bess Truman (left) admire an 18th century musical clock and two golden candelabras presented to the President in a ceremony on the North Portico of the White House by French Ambassador Henri Bonnet (2nd from right) and his wife (right). They were acquired by French President Vincent Auriol for use in the renovated White House and will be placed in the Red Room.