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Leon Rothberg

Legislators in Bangkok, Thailand

Senators, Congressman, and administration officials pose for a photograph with officials in Bangkok, Thailand. Front row, left to right: Senator Allen J. Ellender; Representative Will Robinson; J. Weldon Jones, Assistant Director United States Bureau of the Budget; Unidentified, and Senator Hugh Butler. Back row, third from left: Representative Fred Crawford. All others are unidentified.

Members of Congress Depart for Trip Manila

Members of Congress, others, and their crew prepare to depart for a trip to Manila, Philippines. L to R: First Row: three unidentified men; Senator Allen J. Ellender; Senator High A. Butler; Representative George P. Miller; unidentified military officer. Second row, left to right: four unidentified men; Representative Fred Crawford; J. Weldon Jones, Assistant Director, Bureau of Budget; two unidentified men.

Members of Congress and Aircraft Crew Flying to Manila

Senators and Congressmen sit on board an aircraft, The Faithfull Cow, with members of the crew as they fly to Manila, Philippines. From left to right: Captain Jack Cunningham; Corporal Emile E. Ogden; Representative Will Robinson; Senator Allen J. Ellender; Senator Hugh Butler; Representative Fred Crawford; and Master Sergeant Steve Fedinick. Corporal Ogden is playing a trumpet.