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George E. Klaus

Former President Truman and others in his office at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman stands behind his desk in his office talking with six visitors to the Truman Library. Those who can be identified are Col. John A. Riffle (second from left) and Col. Fred J. Frazer (fourth from the left). The event and date are unknown. (See also 2006-131 through 134; 77-2523 through 2529; 77-2571 and 2572; 72-3753). From: Brian K. Klaus.

Truman with Colonel Riffle and Colonel Frazer at the Truman Library

Photo of former President Harry S. Truman holding a pamphlet with the word "Knowledge" on it taken in a hallway at the Truman Library. On the left are two unidentified men, and on the right are Col. Fred J. Frazer and Col. John A. Riffle. The event and date are unknown. (See also 2006-131 through 134; 77-2523 through 2529; 77-2571 and 2572; 72-3753). From: Brian Klaus

Former President Truman, Col. Riffle and Rufus Burrus at the Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman (third from left) in a six-way handshake with two unidentified men on his right and (left to right) Col. Fred J. Frazer, Col. John A. Riffle, and Rufus Burrus. The photo was taken in a hallway at the Truman Library, but the date and event are unknown. (See also 2006-131 through 134; 77-2523 through 2529; 77-2571 and 2572; 72-3753). From: Brian K. Klaus.