Vernon Galloway
Truman Rehearsing for Television Program "Let's Take A Trip"
Former President Harry S. Truman (second from left) rehearsing for the television program "Let's Take A Trip" that was filmed at the Truman Library. Clockwise from Mr. Truman are, David D. Lloyd, Tom Evans, director Tim Kiley, host Sonny Fox, and Jimmy Walsh. The man in the tie in the background is unidentified.
Truman rehearsing for "Let's Take a Trip"
Former President Harry S. Truman (left) stepping out of the Truman Library, still under construction, during a rehearsal for the television program "Let's Take A Trip." The man in the background is unidentified.
Truman rehearsing for television program "Let's Take A Trip."
Former President Harry S. Truman rehearsing for television program "Let's Take A Trip" filmed at the Truman Library. Also with him is the show's host, Sonny Fox (right), and Joan Terrace (below Mr. Fox).
Truman and TV Show Cast Rehearsing for "Let's Take A Trip."
Cast and crew rehearsing for television program "Let's Take A Trip" that was filmed at the Truman Library. Pictured from far right, director Tim Kiley, host Sonny Fox, cast member Joan Terrace, former president Harry S. Truman, cast member Jimmy Walsh (head obstructed by book). All others unidentified.
Truman rehearsing for television program "Let's Take a Trip"
Former President Harry S. Truman walks with a group outside the Truman Library while rehearsing for television program "Let's Take A Trip." From right to left are: Director Tim Kiley, an unidentified man obscured by host Sonny Fox, Joan Terrace, Mr. Truman, Jimmy Walsh, and three unidentified men.