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Marlin Fenical

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Mukden, Manchuria. View in tank building shop built and equipped by Japanese at a late period in the war. Practically all machine tools and electrical equipment was removed during the period of Soviet occupancy. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria. View of one of the machine shops from which all machine tools, seven cranes and all motors were removed during Soviet occupancy. (View Number 2). Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Mukden, Manchuria. Foundry from which cranes and other machinery were removed during Soviet occupancy. A large electric furnace, including all accessory power equipment, was also removed. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Mukden, Manchuria. Forging shop from which all equipment except one large press and bed-plate of two other presses were removed during Soviet occupancy. Three large overhead cranes were also removed. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Mukden, Manchuria. View of one of the machine shops from which all machine tools, seven cranes and all motors were removed during Soviet occupancy. (View Number 1). Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Mukden, Manchuria. View in heavy machine shops showing large face lathe (left center), one of few heavy machine tools remaining after Soviet occupancy. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Mukden, Manchuria

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Mukden, Manchuria. Tank made in boiler shop before removal of boiler making machinery and machine tools which were removed during Soviet occupancy. Edwin Pauley in center, in uniform. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Manchu Iron Works - Anshan, Manchuria

Manchu Iron Works in Anshan, Manchuria. View Number 3 of destruction caused by demolition around blast furnaces Numbers 2, 1 and 4 attributed by Chinese Nationalist authorities to Chinese Communist army after considerable key mechanical and electrical equipment had been stripped from blast furnaces Numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 during period of Soviet occupancy. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Manchu Iron Works - Anshan, Manchuria

Manchu Iron Works in Anshan, Manchuria. View Number 2 of destruction caused by demolition around blast furnaces Number 2, 1 and 4 attributed by Chinese Nationalist authorities to Chinese Communist army after considerable key mechanical and electrical equipment had been stripped from blast furnaces Numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 during period of Soviet occupancy. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).