Marlin Fenical
Manchu Rubber Company in Liaoyang, Manchuria
Manchu Rubber Company in Liaoyang, Manchuria. Opening broken into wall of building to make possible removal of heavy rubber processing equipment during Soviet occupancy. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).
Japanese Optical Goods Factory in Mukden, Manchuria
Manchu Rubber Company in Laioyang, Manchuria
Manchu Rubber Company in Laioyang, Manchuria
Manchu Rubber Company in Laioyang, Manchuria. Exterior of boiler house showing opening made in wall for the removal of boiler during Soviet occupancy. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations the Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).