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Jerome Eichholz

Marshall and Austin at an airport in Brazil

With the "Sacred Cow" in the background, Secretary of State George C. Marshall (left) and Warren Austin (right), U.S. Representative to the United Nations, are greeted by Brazilian Minister Raul Fernandes (center). They are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to attend the Pan-American Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Inter-American Defense Conference. Please credit: "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

Ambassador William D. Pawley, George C. Marshall and Brazilian Minister Raul Fernandes

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the Pan-American Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Inter-American Defense Conference, Secretary of State George C. Marshall (center) talks with Ambassador William D. Pawley (left) and Brazilian Minister Raul Fernandes (right). All others are unidentified. Please credit: "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

Vandenburg, Austin, and Marshall being greeted at an airport in Brazil

Disembarking from a plane are (left to right) Senator Arthur Vandenburg, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Warren Austin, U.S. Representative to the United Nations; and George Marshall, Secretary of State, who flew to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on the presidential plane the "Sacred Cow" to attend the Pan American Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Inter-American Defense Conference. Shaking hands with Senator Vandenburg is United States Ambassador to Brazil William Pawley, and Lt. Col. Austin is on his Pawley's left, shaking Warren Austin's hand. Please credit: "Maj.

Truman family disembark from "the Independence" in Brazil

President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman disembark from "The Independence," which landed at Galeao Airport on Governor's Island, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The officer is unidentified. President Truman is scheduled to address the Inter-American Defense Conference at the Quitandinha Hotel in Petropolis. Please credit "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

Truman family disembark from "The Independence" in Brazil

President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman disembark from "The Independence," which landed at Galeao Airport on Governor's Island, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The officer is unidentified. President Truman is scheduled to address the Inter-American Defense Conference at the Quitandinha Hotel in Petropolis. Please credit "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

Truman and others at the Inter-American Defense Conference in Brazil

President Harry S. Truman (second from left) and others sit on the speakers' platform where the President is to address the closing session of the Inter-American Defense Conference meeting at the Quitandinha Hotel, Petropolis, Brazil. Brazilian President Eurico Gaspar Dutra is seated second from the right. The others are unidentified. Please credit: "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

Truman in a motor launch in Brazil

President Harry S. Truman seated in a motor launch carrying him from Galeao Airport on Governor's Island to the Touring Club Landing, Rio de Janeiro, where he will be officially welcomed to Brazil. The President is scheduled to address the Inter-American Defense Conference at the Quitandinha Hotel in Petropolis. (See 97-2212.) Please credit: "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

Truman in a motor launch carrying him from Galeao Airport, Brazil

President Harry S. Truman is shown seated in a motor launch carrying him from Galeao Airport on Governor's Island to the Touring Club Landing, Rio de Janeiro, where he will be officially welcomed to Brazil. The President is scheduled to address the Inter-American Defense Conference at the Quitandinha Hotel in Petropolis. (See 97-2212.) Please credit: "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."

President Truman in a motor launch carrying him from Galeao Airport, Brazil

President Harry S. Truman is shown seated in a motor launch carrying him from Galeao Airport on Governor's Island to the Touring Club Landing, Rio de Janeiro, where he will be officially welcomed to Brazil. The President is scheduled to address the Inter-American Defense Conference. at the Quitandinha Hotel in Petropolis. (See 97-2212.) Please credit: "Maj. Jerome Eichholz, U.S. Air Force, courtesy Harry S. Truman Library."