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Carter, Minnie Meacham Smith, 1902-1996

Member of prominent Fort Worth political family, past president of the Fort Worth Garden Club, lifetime member of the Woman's Club of Fort Worth, and active in the Fort Worth Opera Association. Married to Fort Worth Star-Telegram publisher Amon G. Carter.

Texas Governor Beauford Jester Speaks at Truman Campaign Event

Texas Governor Beauford Jester speaks from a lectern at a campaign event for President Harry S. Truman in Fort Worth, Texas. Seated behind Governor Jester are Fort Worth Star-Telegram publisher Amon G. Carter, President Truman, and Congressman Sam Rayburn (front row, from the left), Creekmore Fath (front row, right), Margaret Truman, Minnie Meacham Carter, and First Lady Bess W. Truman (back row). All others are unidentified.