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John Brannon

Road Scene in Japan

This is a scene of a roadway shaded by trees taken from a car on one of the better highways according to John Brannon, on his way to Torah Gorah. Image taken by John Brannon who was a defense attorney for the International Military Tribunal of the Far East who represented Japanese war criminals.

Street in Tokyo, Japan

This is a view of "the weirdest street," according to John Brannon, in Tokyo, Japan near Radio Tokyo. Image taken by John Brannon who was a defense attorney for the International Military Tribunal of the Far East who represented Japanese war criminals.

Charcoal Burning Car in Japan

Photo taken by John Brannon while in Tokyo, Japan shows a common charcoal burning car used in Tokyo. Original caption: It shows the common charcoal type automobile ran used in Tokyo. It burns the charcoal in the rear for power. The majority of Japanese drive gasoline automobiles but these types of cars were common.