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Washington (D.C.), White House, Oval Office

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from the office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 900x. The dates for these recordings are generally believed to be between 1945 and 1948, but the specific dates indicated on the reel-to-reel tapes are September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. The technical notes on this recording, from the National Archives, indicates the recording contains only room noise.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from the office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 800x. These recordings are generally believed to be from 1945 to 1948, but the specific dates indicated on the reel-to-reel tapes are September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. According to the technical notes from the National Archives on this recording, the entire recording contains noise, caused by pits in the recording groove.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from the office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 700x. These recordings are generally believed to be from 1945 to 1948, however the specific dates on the reel-to-reel tapes indicate they are from September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. According to the technical notes from the National Archives on the recording, it contains noise and reverberation.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from the office of Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 600x. The dates for the oval office recordings is generally believed to be from 1945 to 1948, but the dates specifically indicated on the reel-to-reel tapes is September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. According to the technical notes from the National Archives on the transcription of this disc, the recording contains conversations is the first third, but none in the last two-thirds; there is the noise of birds chirping and airplanes flying over, indicating the windows were open.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from the office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 400x. The dates are believed to be from 1945 to 1948, but the specific dates on the reel-to-reel tape copies indicate September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. According to technical notes from the National Archives on the transcription of this recording, the recording contains only surface noise and acoustical reverberations.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording in the office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 300X. These recordings are believed to be from 1945 to 1948, but the specific dates on the reel-to-reel tapes indicate September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. The notes from the transcription of the disc by the National Archives indicate that this recording contains no conversation, only records the clock striking. The recording may have been stopped and started at different times.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac disc 200X. These recordings are believed to be from 1945 to 1948, but the reel-to-reel tapes indicate September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947 as the dates. According to the technical notes on this disc, this recording consists entirely of technicians setting up and testing the recording system. The segment in the first ten minutes implies that the telephone transmitter may have been used as input for this system.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from the office of President Harry S. Truman. This is from Memovac Disc 1000x. The dates for these recording are generally believed to be between 1945 and 1948, but the specific dates indicated on the reel-to-reel tapes is September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. The notes on the transcription of the disc from the National Archives indicates this recording is of cleaning people entering and leaving the room and mopping and buffing.

President Truman - Oval Office Recording

Poor quality Oval Office recording from President Harry S. Truman's oval office. This is from Memovac disc 100X. These recordings are believed to be from 1945 to 1948, however the dates on the reel-to-reel tapes indicate September 21, 1946 to October 22, 1947. According to technical notes from the National Archives on the transcription of this recording, Disc 100X starts and stops often. Toward the end of the recording, several telephone conversations are related to the Marshall Plan, selective service, "Butler in Australia," and his transfer to South America.

President Truman's Remarks Upon Accepting a Rock of Corregidor From the People of the Philippines

Philippine Ambassador to the United States Joaquin M. Elizalde introduces Maj. Manuel Acosta and Col. Harry Peck, who present President Harry S. Truman with a rock from Corregidor as a gift from the people of the Philippines. President Truman follows with remarks delivered at 12:10 p.m. in his office at the White House. Col. Peck and Maj. Acosta took part in the action of Corregidor and Bataan during World War II. The presentation took place during Philippine Achievement Week, which marked the progress of the Philippine Republic during its 5 years of independence.